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March 14, 2010

Puch Customzzz

So I was thinking my pinto tank needed some kind of puch branding on it, but I didn't want to go for the traditional circle and shield. I opted to design my own decals and get them made up. I'm pretty pumped about how they came out, and how they look on my tank. I'm trying to decide whether to put one on each side or just on the one. Any thoughts. Opinions??? I thought the quality I found in the company that printed them is really great: expect some Metal Ponies decals hopefully coming soon...

and on my tank.


  1. The decal is quite nice, but I'm more drawn to that lovely Swinger color. What is it called? Is that powder?

  2. How much did that decal cost you? Hurry up with the metalponies logos!

    I think it's actually two powders layered on top of each other. Jake will know better.

  3. yea Philip its a red pearl powder coat. John's right it's two layers of powder, first red then a pearl to give it a gold hue.

  4. the decals cost me $34 with shipping for 4, however they sent me 7 total... not too bad

  5. Jake that is sick pants... nice would be cool to do a headlight M.P. logo to!


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